Wednesday, March 25, 2009

My Best Lesson

So I've realized that becoming a mom changes you. It's not just a little change. It's huge. My heart has realized a love that I had never imagined. I love my son. I love him so much it hurts. Before I gave birth, I prayed fervently that God would help me understand how much he loves me. Now I can sit and think about it and I still can't imagine.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son...

I have a son. I'm not giving him up for anyone on this earth. Forget it! It's hard to think that God loved me enough to allow his son to die for me. He didn't just give up his son for someone who loved him and honored him. He gave up his son for a bunch of ungrateful sinners. I don't deserve it. I can see my sin. I can see just how wretched I am. I have broken darn near every commandment. In saying that, I know that God is amazing. He loved me enough to send his son to take my place so that I can spend eternity with him. Wow! Maybe I'll get it when I get there!

Here is a picture of my sweet love:

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