Monday, July 5, 2010

You might be a redneck if...

I'm officially married to the most frugal man alive. My dear, sweet husband bob went out to mow the lawn. A short while into it, he came in and informed me that the transmission had finally gone kaput on the lawnmower. This lawnmower we inherited from our neighbor about 6 years ago. Bob has fixed it and fixed it but it's held up. Well he said he was going to go out and fix it. Not a few minuted later, I hear it crank back up. I just assumed he'd fixed it. Here is what actually happened.

Yes. He is riding it backwards while sitting on the hood. Clever? yes. Embarrassing? Heck yes! Oh well, at the least the lawn got mowed! Also, you must note that we are moving in less than two weeks and did not plan to take the lawnmower with, therefore it is not worth the time, effort or cash to fix it. Although, I really wouldn't put it past him to ride it like this for an extended period of time!!


  1. Wow, leave it to Bob to redefine ingenuity. Nicely done brother, if only your solution involved some duct tape, a gum wrapper, and a paper clip...

  2. OMG, that's hilarious!! You're moving again?
