Friday, November 20, 2009

The story of my life

So, I needed a shower. The baby is up & in to everything. I have two choices, no shower or baby in the shower. I chose option two.

Now in the last post, I mentioned how everytime I take ollie's diaper off, he pees. Well it gets worse. I stripped him down & went to turn on the shower. He squats. Does he pee? No...he poops! He is blocking my way to get anything to get his "present" off the floor & I see my dog Lyle coming up from the rear. I scream in horror & pick up Ollie to get him out of the way so I can grab some TP to get it up. Well, Ollie fell & Lyle made a wild dash for the poo. Ollie started wailing. I got him up, screamed at Lyle, the supreme moron who has already started chowing (gross!) & cleaned up the mess. Urgh but I did eventually get my shower.

I'm a stinker!!

-- Post From My iPhone