Thursday, May 28, 2009

Yay for Ollie!

So guess who took his first steps tonight? I'll give you some hints: he's super cute & sweet, he's 9 months old, looks just like his daddy & loves to say "momomom." Give up?

He did! And he did it several times! The first time, he was walking around holding Bob's hands & Bob let go. He stood there for about 15 seconds & then took three or four steps! Later, he let go of the coffee table & walked to me! I'm excited for my big boy. He also is starting to discover a crawl/walk where he uses his feet & hands to move. I think 9 months might be his month. I'll get some video of him walking tomorrow. I need Bob here so one can tape & one can "spot."

-- Post From My iPhone


  1. Go, Ollie, Go!!! How exciting. Sounds like he will be off and running very soon. Hope things are going well for you all. :o)


  2. I'm so proud! I cannot wait to see his new tricks tomorrow!
