Saturday, December 17, 2011

My budding artist

So it seems that Dawson is very interested in art. He loves to draw and paint. He is fascinated by the colors going onto the paper. I am thankful for this as it seems Ollie's interest is waning.

Recently, we got out the markers and rather than just sucking on them, Dawson took a genuine interest in making lines on the paper. He wasn't satisfied with just one color either, he needed multiples! And it doesn't end with markers. He loves stickers. He peels them off my fingers and adds them to his project with an accomplished smile. He really enjoyed making art for Lilah this week.

He loves to paint and surprisingly enjoys using a paintbrush. Once again, not interested in only one color! Today, I made some colored snow paint. Snow paint is made with equal parts shaving cream and glue. We mixed them in some muffin tins and added food coloring. It makes this wonderfully fun fluffy paint and it dries puffy. Bob had to excuse himself and sit in the living room because he couldn't take the mess. This is precisely why we typically save our messy fun for while he is at work. It apparently stresses him out. The funny thing is that he is a former art teacher. Hmmmm...

 Anyway, both boys had fun allow Dawson was interested for much longer and after they had a blast in the tub playing with more shaving cream. Such a fun morning!

How could this stress you out?


  1. Autumn, where do you get that big of paper to tape on your wall?

    I wish I could be more like you and not care about the mess, but I'm more like Bob. All I see is the time I'll have to put into cleaning it up. haha!

  2. Autumn I would love to know exactly how you make that paint. Do you use reg elemers glue? Like a cup of it with a cup of shaving cream? does the food coloring you use in it stain their skin?
