Monday, October 10, 2011

A few planned activities

Here are a few planned activities. I am a little under the weather so I won't give long explanations. But here are a few pics of what we've been up to!

This is a picture of a face. You can't really see it. We talked about our senses. Ollie followed directions by coloring different parts certain colors. He has really been into the human body and enjoyed this!

This really isn't planned but my boys really love to make music. They especially love drums so I often get to listen to them make a beat on my pots!

Ollie and I made a family tree. Each apple had the name of a family member. We did this a few days before the death of my Grandpa so he is on there. Touches my heart.

Ollie and I baked Dawson's cake together. I even let him mix the eggs with his hands. Ew I know. I am not very particular but I typically freak about him touching raw egg. We were just diligent hand washers.
Here is another body activity. Ollie actually cut him out even! I am so proud. He glued the parts in the correct place and we labeled the colors of clothing and what each part was.

Here is Ollie getting ready to be traced. We made a life size of his body. We spent most of our time talking about the organs. I drew the brain, heart, lungs, and stomach. We also talked about blood vessels. Ollie really loved it. I took him to the science center to the Body Worlds Vital exhibit with the plastified people. He was interested for a very short period of time. He did later tell Bob about the heart, brain and testicles. Of course, he had to remember those. Geez.

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