Tuesday, October 18, 2011

A Little Alone Time

with Dawson! Last night, Ollie went to stay overnight with Nana. I always miss him when he leaves to spend time with her but it is really nice to give Dawson some individual attention. Ollie had 25 months of just me. Dawson had 0. So, this morning, I decided that we would have a little fun.

Typically, Dawson and I build towers and knock them down, read books, play "gotcha" or take rides in the laundry basket, but last night I was looking back at old blog posts and saw some

activities that I had done with Ollie. When I did these the first time, I did them on separate occasions but you live and you learn! So we did them back to back!

I created some baby safe paint by mixing water and flour. I added food coloring which Dawson thought was fascinating. I gave him a large sheet of paper and he painted it, my floor and himself to his heart's content. he licked and smelled it and overall just had a great time!
When he seemed to become bored with that, I filled the sink with water and bubbles and threw some bubbles on the floor. He grabbed them and laughed. He threw them and yes tried to eat them. Then, he slid back over to the paint and had more fun with that. We had a great time! When he became bored, it was off to the tub!

We had such a great time together. It is fun to just focus on him a little bit!

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